Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S (DBK) is supplier to the Danish Government of SIkkerhedsNEttet (SINE), the name for all the Danish emergency services’ common digital radio communication system. DBK was founded in 2001 and is today owned by Motorola Solutions Inc. (99.4 %) and Zenitel Denmark A/S (0.6 %). Motorola and Zenitel established Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S as a sister company to Motorola Solutions Denmark A/S in advance of the Danish Government issuing a public tender for the construction of a common national emergency radio network.
DBK won the tender procedure and was awarded a contract with the Danish government on June 27th 2007 for development, deployment and operation of a nationwide radio network that would eventually replace the more than 100 different analogue radio systems of various ages that were in operation all over the country. The result of this contract is that Denmark is now geographically fully covered by one single TETRA radio network that is common for all, providing digital and secure radios and safe communication.
SINE delivers communications, coordinated across all the emergency services including police, fire brigades and ambulance services, the Maritime Rescue Service, the Danish Emergency Management Agency, the Home Guard as well as private companies that are responsible for public emergency services.
Motorola Solutions Inc., the parent company of Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S, has currently approximately 5000 similar systems in operation worldwide with more than 20 million users attached to the networks. More than 1000 of these systems are digital.
Motorola Solutions Inc. has won more than 300 contracts worldwide for TETRA systems, and the company has to date supplied customers with more than a million TETRA terminals (handheld and mobile radios).
The system which is now deployed in Denmark has earned its mark as a proven and secure system for the emergency operations users.
Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S’ Objectives
The ambition of Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S is to be the preferred supplier of a fast and safe communication system to the public emergency services as well as to private companies that are charged with emergency service operations by the authorities.
DBK is aware of the special responsibilities that are tied to servicing the emergency management in Denmark, and our focus is on delivering a high level of operational service, high level of quality as well as a secure and professional radio communication system to use in the mission critical work that the emergency service providers perform.
As the users often work in stressed situations, they depend highly on professional and securely-working communication tools. The users’ satisfaction with the radio network as well as the radios (the terminals) is of prime focus and priority in DBK. Therefore DBK has heavily involved the users in testing the terminals and the network during rollout. Specifically the user- feedback has enabled DBK to deliver a coordinated infrastructure for the SINE Network and to provide a targeted service and support to the different user groups in the network.