Dansk Beredskabskommunikation’s network for the SINE system is based on Motorola’s TETRA technology, Dimetra IP. “TETRA” is an abbreviation of Terrestrial Trunked Radio. The mobile radio technology ensures that the system autonomously seeks out a free radio channel to use when called upon by the emergency user. This makes sure that vital calls are automatically prioritized in the system upon an emergency commander’s activation of the send button, or upon a user’s activation of the “emergency call” button on the radio. With older technologies the emergency service’s communications risk breaking down if for instance the public mobile networks goes down under an emergency.

TETRA is, in short, a flexible, secure communication which enables among other:

• Communication across emergency services – the police force can for example communicate with ambulances and the fire brigade under an emergency.

• One-to-one calls and group calls. As an example a commander from the police service may call his entire emergency team including operatives from various branches in one call.

• Prioritization of calls – the most important calls are allowed through, by the commander giving priority to certain calls.

• Emergency calls – the vitally important calls – will always be served.

• Security against eavesdropping – gives the users added security

• Data communication through IP services – for example, data in connection with an emergency, for instance time of call and position of emergency, is transferred directly to the report.

• Overview of the emergency workers’ position is provided via GPS – the commander will always be able to track his people.

• Provision of the best audio quality through reduction of background noise. Through the technology the TETRA user will have access to a digital technology, which collects all the mobile emergency communication on one platform. The TETRA standard itself is a standard for digital radio communication as for example GSM is for public domain mobile telephony. It is defined by ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, and has been adopted worldwide. The TETRA technology in the SINE network is based on Motorola’s own development of the TETRA technology, a technology which conforms to the standard, and which Motorola supplies to among others Austria, England, Norway and Portugal. Motorola, has currently approximately 5000 similar systems (more than 1000 of these are digital) in operation worldwide with more than 20 million users attached to the networks.

Advanced possibilities offered by the TETRA Technology

The TETRA Technology based system contains many features and it is in many countries applied as a system for improvement in operations efficiency and to enforce security. In many countries the  systems are used in emergency services, bus operations, metro- and train services, security guard companies and utility companies, defence and in airports. In Denmark TETRA terminals supplied by Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S are also used by public transport companies. DSB S-tog A/S and Movia, transport companies that serve local train services and bus services in the Greater Copenhagen area, use TETRA radio terminals from DBK to support their operations. Radio systems based on TETRA may be used to enhance effectiveness within home care and hospital operations. Specifically a TETRA radio system may ensure efficient workflows for the home care personnel and hospital staff coordinating and collating data on service recipients, patients and surveillance- and alarm systems. In addition to this home care operations can utilize the systems to coordinate acute emergency calls and the position of home care field operators, ensuring prompt and fast attention to the caller. SINE may also improve the coordination of resources between local and regional authorities in case of widespread emergencies as for instance blizzards, hurricanes and cloud bursts. Over and above this, TETRA is an ideal communication system for airports, shopping malls, and other places with a large number of people passing through, and where safety and security, people- and traffic monitoring and alarm functions go hand in hand as a high priority operation.

Efficient communication in Stockholm’s public transport system

One very successful use for Motorola’s TETRA radio systems is the application of the systems in the entire transport infrastructure in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, which is used by 70 % of Stockholm’s population. In a thorough modernization of Stockholm’s transport infrastructure, Dimetra – which is Motorola’s TETRA system – was introduced. The system ensures a coordinated, secure and efficient communication between the different transport operators in the Stockholm transport system as well as for the passenger information systems.

Securing a high information- and safety level in Barcelona Airport

The second largest airport in Spain, Barcelona El Prat Airport, has introduced Motorola’s TETRA radio system in order to achieve an efficient communication to passengers and employees, but also to secure that they have a communications system that will work efficiently in emergency situations.