User satisfaction survey

Filling the formIn December 2013 a user satisfaction survey was completed by DBK in order to obtain an overview of the users experience with SINE. Users from the Danish Fire Brigades, Police departments, Ambulance services, The Danish Defence, Falck etc. responded to a questionnaire on  indoor- and outdoor coverage, SINE radios , 24/7 Helpdesk, fleetmaps and on the current ticket system.

Some Key Results from the user satisfaction survey are:

  • The users continue to be very satisfied with the coverage and voice quality, both in normal everyday use and in noisy surroundings. The greatest challenges concerns indoor coverage.
  • The users are satisfied with their radios. The majority find themselves to be adept in using the various functions in the radio terminals, however they value highly continuous information updates and practical exercises.
  • Many users have contacted DBKs 24/7 Helpdesk. The majority of the users are quite familiar with which services the Helpdesk offers.
  • The phone (mobile or fixed) is still the most popular way to communicate with the Helpdesk, followed by e-mail.
  • The knowledge level on the current ticket system is limited. Less than 50% of the responders have tried the system and many do not know how to use it at all.
  • Some users have become very proficient at updating fleet maps while others find it very difficult.

The Emergency Services represented in the user survey comes from all the five regions in Denmark. Generally the users have a positive attitude towards SINE but there is always room for improvement.  DBK is currently developing the new electronic database Fleeda which makes updating and version tracking of fleet maps much more user friendly. Also a new updated ticket system is in development. Both systems will be launched later this year. The users will, of course, be thoroughly introduced to as well Fleeda as the new ticket system when they are being released.

The purpose of the user satisfaction survey is to evaluate the users’ satisfaction with SINE and with DBKs services in general. The results give DBK an opportunity to optimize our service deliveries continuously.

The 2013 survey was executed in the form of an online survey including 359 Super Users, invited from the different Danish Emergency Services. 26 % of the invited Super Users responded to the survey.