Tag-arkiv: Fleeda @en

Merge of emergency operators in DK

Papirstak paintThe merging of the different emergency operators in DK has already started, and it also affects the administration of the SINE radios.

A new “Tilslutningsaftale” (use agreement) shall be signed by each of the new merged organizations. The new “Tilslutningsaftale” will replace the old agreements for each of the units. The replacement agreement is a replica of the old however Annex A will include text declaring which old agreements it replaces and who is the new contact person/persons (Super Users) are.

The old agreement also included an- in principle always updated-  list of radio equipment that was used by the emergency operator. In real life, however it has been impractical to update, why it will not be included in the new agreements. The radio population will in the future only be handled through the Fleetmap.

The next step is to create a new Fleetmap for the merged Unit which contains the collective pool of radios and which reflects the new structure in the merged unit. If you wish CFB will assist with this task, the result being a new updated common Fleetmap which encompass the whole new Unit, with a revised structure for talk groups and potentially subdivisions matching the previous units. When the new Fleetmap is updated, a copy shall be send to DBK through the SINE helpdesk, who then archives it and makes it available for CFB and the radio programmers.

In time, when the new database, FleeDa, is available, the Fleetmaps will be transferred into FleeDa.

FleeDa has currently been tested by eight different operators in a Pilot test run, and changes arising from the pilot tests are presently under implementation. When the updates are implemented, FleeDa will be tested again, before general release in fall 2015.

If you need assistance and support in merging Fleetmaps please contact Gitte Justesen, CFB (gju@sikkerhedsnet.dk)

For any questions regarding FleeDa, please contact  Zuzana Knudsen, DBK (Z.Knudsen@motorolasolutions.com).

FKB 2014 Herning

Vinderen3As we announced before the summer holidays, DBK participated  in  the FKB exhibition in Herning in August. Zuzana Knudsen and Martin Falkenberg, who both are System engineers working in DBK,  demonstrated the new database called FleeDa. FleeDa is the web based replacement for the old way of working with Fleetmaps in Excel sheets.

FleeDa attracted a lot of people to the DBK exhibition and many of them were looking forward to the launch of FleeDa to the general user, which is planned to take place in the beginning of 2015. Presently a pilot test is running with few selected emergency service users and some terminal vendors.

In order to attract visitors to the DBK stand, visitors were invited to participate in a small, but very tough competition with 3 difficult questions. The winners price was a stay for 2 in a hotel in a Danish  city. The winner, who was randomly hand-picked by DBKs Zuzana, was: Jan Holm-Rasmussen from Falck in Ballerup. He was ceremoniously handed  the price by a representative from DBK.


ComputerDBK have been preparing a new database called FleeDa in which fleetmaps will be handled in the future. FleeDa will replace the many excel sheets which the Danish emergency services have used to administrate the technical details regarding their terminals until now.

At the moment FleeDa is being tested by DBKs terminal vendors: Radiocom, IHM and Motorola, together with a number of selected emergency services. The pilot project will continue until September 2014. The participants are continuously reporting inexpediencies which will be corrected in time for the commissioning which is expected to take place in 2015.

FleeDa will be available for all Danish emergency services free of charge. Additional functionality like monitoring the activity of the terminals can be purchased by license.